Anzac Biscuits

OK, our Australian and NZ readers can totally skip this post. I mean, anzac biscuits have been around since World War I, when they were sent to the ANZAC soldiers (Australian New Zealand Army Corps) in the trenches by their beloved wives and mothers. The ingredients do not spoil easily and the biscuits kept well during the long journey to Europe. I love historical facts like these!

Here's an Anzac Biscuit recipe from my (New Zealand) friend Stephanie (the source of the delicious Honey Oat Biscuits). I thought dissolving the baking soda in boiling water was odd, but it worked fine and the recipe is really easy and the result yummy!!

Anzac Biscuits

  • 63g plain flour (1/2 cup)

  • 85g sugar (1/3 cup)

  • 50g coconut (2/3 cup)

  • 3/4 cup rolled oats

  • 50g butter

  • 1 tablespoon golden syrup

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

  • 2 tablespoons water

Mix together flour, sugar, coconut and rolled oats. Melt butter and golden syrup.

Dissolve baking soda in the boiling water and add to butter and golden syrup.  Stir butter mixture into the dry ingredients. Place level tablespoon ful of mixture onto cold greased trays. Bake at 180 for about 15 minutes or until golden.

xxx Esther


DIY stick horses for Sara's horses birthday party


Honey Oat Biscuits