Courgette soup

In summer, courgettes (or zucchinis for the Americans and Italians amongst us) are readily available and thankfully very cheap.

I love courgette soup and cook it a lot in the summer. Once, I had a bunch of dill I needed to get rid of so I decided to throw it in with the soup. Everyone agreed the combination was extremely yummy!

So here it is - my favourite, cheap, super-easy and super-quick courgette soup recipe!

Courgette Soup

  • 3 cloves of garlic (peeled & crushed)

  • 1 medium onion (peeled & chopped)

  • 3 medium size courgettes (washed & in chunks)

  • Little bunch of dillvegetable stock

  • olive oil

  • s&p

In a medium saucepan, sauté the onion and garlic in olive oil until transparent. Add the courgette and the dill and cook very gently in a covered pan for about five minutes. Then, add just enough vegetable stock to cover (or, add water to cover and throw in a vegetable stock cube).

Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Puree solids. You can add some more stock or water to get the consistency you like - I like it rather thick. Add salt and pepper to taste.

If you have it in the fridge, you can put a dollop of crème fraîche in the center (you can make letters by drawing a knife through it).

Bon appétit!

xxx Esther

P.S. Don't worry too much about the time and the quantities - this soup can't really go wrong.


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