Easy tomato soup from the pantry

easy tomato soup from the pantry

Sometimes... tomato soup is all one needs to make things right! Paired with a grilled cheese sandwich, this easy soup makes the perfect lunch or a lovely, light supper. My kids seriously start singing every time I prepare this :).

Here's the recipe. You can keep all of the ingredients in your pantry stock!

Easy tomato soup from the pantry - 6 to 8 portions

  • 2 large onions, chopped

  • 4 large garlic cloves, crushed

  • a pinch of chili flakes (to taste)

  • 3 cans of tomatoes (chopped, or not, it doesn't really matter)

  • 1 package of passata (500 g), or tomato juice, or another can of tomatoes, or some fresh tomatoes, or whatever you have handy

  • 2 vegetable stock cubes

  • Olive oil, salt & pepper

  • 3 to 5 bay leaves

  • A tablespoon of dried basil, thyme, oregano - some of it, or all, whatever you have available

Optional to serve:

  • Double cream

  • Fresh basil, or parsley

In a large pot, sauté the onions with the garlic in olive oil until transparent. Add the chili flakes, the 3 cans of tomatoes and the passata (or whatever tomato-sauce-like you're adding). Add 3 cans of water. Bring to a boil and add the stock cubes, the bay leaves and the dried herbs. Put on low heat and cook for at least half an hour (longer is allowed, it will only make it better). Before serving, puree the soup and add salt and pepper to taste. It's nice to add a dollop of cream and some fresh basil and/or parsley before serving.

This soup pairs really well with a grilled cheese sandwich.

Bon appétit!

xxx Esther

PS a healthy and hearty vegetable and bean soup


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