Red beet salad (it's PINK!)

Red beet salad

My mum used to make this red beet salad, and I was eating at my aunt's last week and she had it on the menu. It must be a family recipe! My kids love it (the fact that it's pink probably helps), and it's super simple to make. And of course extremely healthy, as red beets are low in fat, high on carbohydrates and full of anti-oxidants and folic acid.

The best way to prepare the beets is by roasting them in the oven and peel and dice them. But if you're in a rush, like I am most of the times, I suggest you use the pre-cooked red beets which can be found in the supermarket's grocery section. They usually can be kept for quite some time. Good to have around!

You can probably find the rest of the ingredients in your kitchen as well, which makes this one of those perfect 'pantry recipes' (in my dictionary, all 'long keep' and 'ready available' ingredients count as pantry ingredients.)

Enough said -- here's the recipe.

Red beet salad

  • 3 medium sized red beets, cooked, peeled and diced (or use the pre-cooked ones!)

  • 2 apples, peeled and diced

  • 1 onion, finely chopped

  • 2 to 3 full spoonfulls of thick yoghurt, or sour cream or something similar

  • 2 to 3 full spoonfulls of mayonaise

  • a touch of curry powder (optional)

Mix mayonaise and yoghurt with curry powder. Taste and add more mayonaise or yoghurt if necessary. Stir through other ingredients. Serve.

xxx Esther

PS Three great quiche recipes, and a delicious quiche of red beet greens!


Green Tomato Chutney


Good soup