A disco birthday party!

A disco birthday partyA disco birthday party

Our son Pim turned 6 years old last week. Six already! Time goes so fast... Wasn't it only yesterday that he was a tiny little baby, the cutest little toddler...? Anyway (sigh), Pim loves everything to do with music and dance, so he requested for his birthday a 'disco birthday party'. Even though I wasn't too inspired about the whole idea in the beginning, I think we managed to turn the party into something fun and special!First, Pim and I stamped the invites with potato letter stamps using neon gouache. That was a nice activity for just the two of us. Then, I ordered sweatbands for all of the kids, a disco ball (the biggest expense!), and a moustache for my husband. I found glittery tattoos somewhere and bought some hairspray. The evening before the party we quickly sewed up 9 disco outfits out of cheap, glittery stretch spandex we got from the market. Spandex is easy to sew -- it doesn't frill, so no zigzagging or seams are required. You don't even need to pin it! It was really super fast and easy.


In the meantime, my husband kept himself busy with a playlist for the party using youtube. We had Michael Jackson, Gangham style (plus a Gangham style instruction video -- see the video below!), the famous chicken dance from the '70's (yeah!), the Macarena (yeah!), plus some more random songs that we knew the kids would love.The party was a grand success! First, we played Pass the Parcel and each layer revealed a disco outfit for one of the kids. After, we gave them each a couple of glittery tattoos plus made their hair wild with the hairspray. The girls got side ponytails. We played musical chairs, and afterwards danced on all of the songs. The kids loved it!A disco birthday partyWe decorated cupcakes, Pim got tons of little presents, and at the end, we had a pretty exhausted bunch of children hanging on the couch, watching cartoons. Of course all the children could take their disco outfits home, and I've heard that they've been wearing their headbands to school every day. Fun!xxx Esther


An easy nightmare remedy.


The Land of Neverbelieve by Norman Messenger