A LEGO birthday party for Pim's 8th

Birthdays are a big deal for children, and we like to celebrate it appropriately. We make a big deal out of it. Our children get a party for family and close family friends (the 'family party'), and then they get to invite a few classmates for another party (the 'friends' party).

For his 8th 'friends'  birthday party, Pim had decided he wanted a LEGO party.I honestly admit that I was a bit at a loss what to do with this theme. I mean, a strawberry high tea, a cooking party, or a disco party -- I didn't have to think long with coming up with some fun activities and decoration for those. And in the end, the interpretation of the adventurous treasure hunt of Pim's party last year was quite straightforward as well, once the concept was there. But Lego?

And then I thought -- the best thing about Lego, is Lego. We don't need to provide anything else, than lots and lots of Lego! So we went to Ebay, and bought two second-hand batches of Lego bricks. We got loads!

Table decoration was kept simple. I drew Lego faces on little glas jars, and poured orange juice inside. Pim made the center setting for the table, his name in giant 3D letters! And above the table, we strung yellow balloons, again, with Lego faces on them.

We served rectangular carrot cake with M&M's on them to resemble Lego bricks.

And later, I prepared some 'Lego' cheese crackers, with cheese dots on them.

And then, we dunked all of the Lego on the floor and the kids could play! We gave them two 'missions' -- the first one was to build the highest tower in three groups of three (which were properly measured afterwards of course). Simple but super exciting! 

And then, we asked one group to make a vehicle for the land, one group for the sea, and one group for the air. After 10 minutes we rotated the groups, and again a bit later.

It was a really fun afternoon! And a perfect party for the lousy weather as well -- it was raining outside the entire time, but cheerful and bright inside.

xxx Esther


Vriendenboek (A Friends’ Book)


Trying to raise good and healthy eaters