What to pack in your family travel backpack

What to pack... in your travel backpack

A good family travel backpack is the number one accessory I bring when I'm traveling with children. The possibility of having my hands free and at the same time having access to a back-up (pun intended!) of gear I might need while on-the-go, is essential to me.

Successfully traveling with children, for me, is all about a combination of being extremely organised in my preparation and packing, while at the same time being super relaxed and flexible when we have arrived at our travel destination. But, what to pack in your family travel backpack?

I was recently in London with the kids, and we were out and about for entire days all the time. Since the weather was typical autumn-like that week (hot/cold/wet/dry), I had to bring lots of layers to make sure we stayed comfortable. We went everywhere by foot or by public transport (London buses are the best!), and with traffic coming from the 'wrong way' I wanted to make sure I had both my hands free to grab children if needed. 

Here's what I always brought with me in my backpack.

What to pack in your family travel backpack

  • a re-useable water bottle

  • pack-a-macs (foldable rain jackets) in combination with warm jumpers/cardigans, for the kids (and me)

  • sandwiches, apples and clementines

  • some nuts or other little snacks

  • a little pouch with sunscreen, lip balm, bandages and paracetamol (I never used the paracetamol but always feel better having it on me!)

  • a small pack of wet wipes

  • a pouch with a few small toys, pens / pencils and a small notebook

  • my wallet, phone and keys

  • a big muslin square to use as scarf, towel or picnic blanket

How to pack your family travel backpack
How to pack your family travel backpack
How to pack your family travel backpack

xxx Esther


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