Tomato salsa, totally delicious!

tomato salsa
tomato salsa
tomato salsa
ingredients for tomato salsa

A friend of ours makes the most delicious tomato salsa, and I've asked him the recipe at least 5 times in the past and have always written it down somewhere, only to loose the note immediately after. They always disappear! So it's become the joke that his recipe is meant to be secret, even without him intending it to be. (Unless he secretly steals the notes I write, haha.)

Yesterday, I whipped up my own version of his recipe. And it was a huge success! My kids all loved it as a side to our dinner (we had roasted sweet potatoes, watermelon salad, sour dough bread and little beef burgers from the BBQ).

Here's what I did:

Tomato salsa

sandwich with tomato salsa

Chop around 6 tomatoes roughly. (I used pretty green, yellow, orange and red tomatoes that I found in our local store, but of course you can use any sort of tomatoes. As long as they are ripe!)

Chop a red onion and a bunch of parsley, mint and coriander as well.

Mix everything together in a bowl and add a shake of ordinary tomato ketchup. (I would say I added around a 1/4 cup, but feel free to add less or more depending on your taste.)

Squeeze the juice of half a large lemon over it.

You can add in a teaspoon of sugar at this point too, but my tomatoes were lovely and sweet already so I didn't bother.

Add some salt and pepper and voila!! Done!

It looks so pretty and is so yummy! This is my new favourite recipe -- it's so good to have a jar of this in your fridge at all times. It's the perfect side dish for summery dishes, delicious to dip your bread in, or spoon over a sandwich with cheese. Yum!

xxx Esther

PS a salad of green lentils -- also a summer favourite!


Roasted sweet potatoes (and a simple watermelon salad)


Gearing up for campervan adventures this summer