A painted square as a backdrop for cards, photos, (kids) art...
A while ago we painted a very dark green square on our living room wall, with the idea to use it to display all sorts of pretty little things: drawings from the children, autumn leaves, our activity advent calendar, a collection of plates or framed art... Things we feel are meaningful and which we like to temporarily display in our living room. I have always put this kind of memorabilia on our living room wall, but I always felt it made the wall feel a bit cluttered. (To me, at least.) The shape of a painted square brings cohesion to the things on display, and the big, dark shape breaks up the wall in a nice way.
For the past half year that square has been the backdrop of all of the pretty cards we have received after Bram's birth. Alternated with some blurry polaroids that we took in the first weeks -- just little snapshots of sweet moments. Yesterday I thought to myself, as the seasons are changing and Bram is now half a year old, that it is time that I change the scenery. But before I took the cards down, I wanted to take some photos to remember what our house looked like! How sweet are all these cards, some even handmade, with all of the heartfelt, handwritten messages inside...
But life goes on, and autumn is upon us, so we now need our square to display pressed leaves and other autumnal finds. First though, I think I'm going to print some photos of our campervan trip, and display them for a few weeks!xxx EstherPS Sharing a room, and using a painted square to identify different kids' corners.