Conker spiderwebs, an easy autumn craft with such pretty results!

conker spiderwebs

This is an oldie but a goodie. As a child I used to make conker spiderwebs in school and with my mum. And so do my children. It's an easy autumn craft, manageable for little hands but also extremely entertaining for bigger ones. We all made conker spiderwebs the other day -- it's quite an addictive thing to do!What you need to make these pretty conker spiderwebs:

  • Conkers

  • Wooden skewers

  • A little conker hand drill (or any sharp tool like pointy scissors to make a little hole in the conkers)

  • Yarn

  • Scissors

conker spiderwebs
conker spiderwebs
conker spiderwebs

With the conker drill, make 5 evenly spread out holes in the conkers. (It's quite tricky to do so I helped Ava and Casper with this part.) Push the skewers in the holes so they are tightly inserted. Choose a yarn to start with.

With a flat knot, secure the yarn around one of the skewers. Start weaving by twisting around each skewer before you go to the next one. If you want to start a new colour, just knot the yarn around a skewer to secure it, and tie the new colour to the next skewer. Keep going until you're happy. Done!

These conker spiderwebs are super fun to make and I love to decorate our house and autumn table with them. It's also very pretty to hang a little selection in front of a window!

xxx Esther

PS a pretty autumnal seasonal table


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