How do you manage it all?

I'm often asked -- how do you manage it all? Truth is -- running a business as well as a household of seven is not a simple task. I'm constantly trying to stay on top of things and at the same time failing miserably. I'm behind on my email, my house is a mess, my baby needs a bath (and so do I)... I have to write a post for the blog, the laundry needs folding, I have missed another friend's birthday...

Trying to be more organised, I keep uncountable To Do lists that I consequently lose in bags or pockets. But I feel good writing them! Do you know that feeling? Sitting down with a clean sheet of paper and starting a list, feeling so on top of things? That feeling, that as if when you've written down something on a To Do list... You're actually already sort of done with the task? Haha, I wish!

Of course the fact that I have an eight-month-old baby who keeps me super busy doesn't help. (But he's cute!) I know it is only a matter of months before he will go to daycare and I will have a bit more time in the day to get things done. But even though I know things will be better soon enough, and I should (and I do!) count my blessings (I have a warm house and a healthy, lovely family), I still can feel frustrated. I know I am not alone here -- parenthood can be a struggle, and it can be lonely up here. (Thanks for letting me ramble and complain! It helps to let off steam!)

How do you manage it all?

In my constant effort to get a grip on my endless To Do lists, I started a bullet journal a few years ago. I try to gather all my loose notes and lists in there. And then I regularly sit down to update the information in the journal. But this only works for my own personal tasks! Sometimes a list of To Dos needs to be tackled by more people. And this is why I have started to use an online project management tool for household as well as business tasks.

I started using Trello for business a while ago (there are other, similar programs out there too, but I liked the fact that Trello is quite visual to work with). I must admit that I had trouble to get a grip on it in the beginning. But now I absolutely love the idea of it. It is basically a shared To Do list to which you can attach links, files and photos and assign tasks to people with schedules and deadlines. It can tremendously declutter your email inbox if used correctly!

Once I got the hang of the app, I have started to use it to manage household tasks as well. To give an example: we get sent class lists every year with all of the contact information of all the parents in the children's classes. I used to print these lists out, only to lose them in a drawer somewhere. I then tried hanging them on the kitchen door, but I experienced that you mostly need them when you're on the road, picking up your child from a playdate somewhere and needing the address. (And then you have to try to find that one class list of that one child in your email. Which is an absolute undoable task.)

Class lists

How do you manage it all

So --  I have spent some time uploading ALL the class lists of the past 9 years in Trello, in lists organised per child. And it is great. I never have to search for a class list again. And what's even better: I have shared these lists with Tamar. So when I ask him to pick up a child at a friend's house on his way home from work, he knows where to find the address without having to bother me. It's brilliant!

Other To Do lists that I keep in Trello (and share with Tamar) are the house To Do list, the vacation To Do list and the campervan To Do list. So handy! I also use Trello for holiday wish-lists. Whenever I hear a child mention something they want or need, or when I think of something myself, I make a note in the system (attaching links or photos if applicable). Sometimes I see something fun in a magazine, when I'm at the hairdresser for example, and I quickly snap a photo and add it to the Trello list. Super handy around this time of year, when Sinterklaas and Santa Claus are shopping for presents!

Online calendar

Tamar and I share an online calendar as well. I have indicated all of the children's sport and music classes on it as well as the school vacations. Every party, dinner, class meeting etc I immediately put in the agenda with the correct details, location, and with notes (gift ideas) if applicable. I also like to keep a paper calendar (like the one in the house of my friend Julie).

Besides the practicalities of managing everything (and I would LOVE to hear it, if you have more tips and tricks to share!), the most importantly thing I have learned is to simply accept that it is ok to run behind on certain things. That no matter how hard I work, it is simply impossible to stay on top of everything. That there is simply no end to the tasks -- there will always be laundry to fold, a birthday to plan, a holiday to prepare, a dinner to cook, a post to write, toys to tidy up, a house to decorate... And there is always so much work to do on top of all of that. It never stops, so it is ok to take a break and let things be. Ready or not.

Keep calm and carry on

I also have decided that people must understand it, when I forget a friend's birthday, if I am late with responding to an email, that my baby is not clean (nor am I), or that I'm late with posting a blog post. And if they do not wish to understand, then they are a negative influence. And negative influences should gently but surely be extruded from my life. They only stress me out, which is not healthy for me or my family! Basta!

As always, we should remember to keep calm and carry on πŸ™ŒπŸΌ. And that behind the clouds, the sun is shining β˜€οΈ. And that tomorrow is another day πŸ’«!

xxx Esther (and baby Bram, who I kept bouncing on my lap while writing this)

PS My personal goals for 2018


Homemade natural lip balm with beeswax and shea butter


Delicious pumpkin curry, a firm family favourite!