Watercolour sidewalk chalk

Watercolour sidewalk chalk
Watercolour sidewalk chalk

When days are crabby... just add water! But for real -- adding water always seems to make everything more fun. I took this photo a few months ago here in Amsterdam on one of the last warm and sunny days of the year. This girl was drawing on the sidewalk with pavement chalk, and had the brilliant idea to add water and brushes to the fun -- resulting in watercolour sidewalk chalk, with deeper and brighter colours and a cool watercolour effect.

I can't believe I have never seen or thought about this concept below. Just by adding water, the sidewalk chalk all of a sudden becomes paintable and mixable and turns into an entirely different entity, with new possibilities and results. It really doesn't take much to make magic happen...

Another big advantage of watercolour sidewalk chalk is that as messy as it will undoubtedly get, it's still super easy to clean up. Because it's all swiftly washed away with... some water!

Seriously, how easy, straightforward and FUN is this activity? Definitely something to remember for those days that seem to drag on...

xxx Esther

PS Decorating sticks for Pim's 9th birthday party, and watercolour flower invites for Ava's 6th birthday.


Les Choristes


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