Sick day traditions (when your child is ill)

sick day traditions

I'm writing this post about sick day traditions as I have Ava laying on the sofa with a mild sinus / ear infection. I just checked on her to make sure she's comfortable, with her own pillow and the 'sick sleeping bag' -- the sleeping bag that belonged to me when I was a little child. It has the manic orange colour combinations which are so typical for the '70s, with cute circus illustrations, and is wild and fun enough to brighten up any sick day. I brought her tea and some fruit and nuts on a tray, and put my cool hand on her warm forehead to measure her temperature (I never use a thermometer!).

It made me think of sick day traditions. When I was a child, I remember the food on a tray -- I was always supposed to eat at the table, but when I was sick my mum would bring me tea, fresh orange juice and toast & fruit on a tray. To my bed or to the sofa, depending on how sick I was. And she would put her cool hand on my forehead to measure my temperature and read me my favourite story. :) I still remember those soothing sick day traditions. Little things, but oh so important when you are feeling miserable.

And I was wondering -- what sort of traditions do other people have when their children are sick? Do you make chicken soup? Fruit mandalas? Do you have a special pillow or blanket perhaps? Do you remember being sick as a child?

xxx Esther

PS Always in my handbag! (A tip and trick!)


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