Playing musical instruments (and lessons)

Sara started playing the violin when she was 5 years old. She has now been playing for over half a year, and can finally play simple songs like 'Frère Jacques'. Sweet!

My husband and I are hoping that an early start with playing musical instruments will help our children develop an interest in music and an ease to play instruments later on in life (might they still be interested). Practising is still a little bit of an issue though -- Sara's teacher says she has to practise daily for at least 15 minutes, but I find it really hard to keep her to it. After school she has play-dates, swimming or ballet class, or is simply too tired. She's only 6, I keep telling myself, but maybe I should be a bit more strict about it…

Sara's little brother Pim, now 4, has been obsessed with trumpets for nearly 2 years now. I've unsuccessfully tried to re-direct his passion to other instruments (like the guitar) -- not that I don't like trumpets, I'm just not sure about hearing it all day long. Pim's passion is indestructible however so I think we've decided that Santa this year will bring a trumpet. Wish me luck!

Do your children play instruments? Which one? Did you play as a child? Did you study daily?

xxx Esther


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