Drop scones (or maxi blinis?)

This recipe comes from an interior magazine I had a peek at in the dressing room of my Pilates class. I snatched a photo of the recipe with my phone, and tried it for breakfast this past weekend. It was yummy, and so easy to make!

In the magazine they were called drop scones, but they reminded me more of blinis. Maxi blinis, that is.

Here's the recipe:

  • 125 self-raising flour

  • salt, freshly ground black pepper

  • 2 eggs, separated

  • 150 ml milk

Put flour and a little seasoning in a bowl, and drop in the egg yolks. Add a little milk and whisk, gradually pouring in the remaining milk to make a paste. Whisk egg whites until peaking, and gently fold in paste to form a batter.

Heat a thin foil of oil in a frying pan. Take a spoonful of batter and drop in the pan so it spreads to about 8cm in diameter. I could fry 3 scones at the same time in my frying pan, of course it depends on the size of your pan how many you can fit in at the same time.

When golden flip over and cook for another minute or so. Keep warm while you prepare the rest (this recipe made me 10 scones).

For the topping, mix crème fraîche with fresh parsley and chives (chopped), and a bit of black pepper.

Serve the scones with the crème fraîche, smoked salmon, and a squeeze of lemon.

Bon appétit!

xxx Esther


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