My (full!) house on Design Mom

If you ask me to name some people I admire most in the online world, Gabrielle Blair (Design Mom) comes to my mind instantaneously. The way Gabrielle organises her life as a business woman and a mother of six is a constant source of inspiration to me. Gabrielle not only runs one of the world's most successful parenting blogs; she also comes up with new and innovative business ideas and makes them into a success. Her courage and energy to re-locate her family to France for a few years and soak in the culture and diversity of this side of the pond is amazingly inspiring! Also -- she always looks beautiful and pulled together, and is so caring and fun.

Today, Gabrielle features my (very full) house on her blog in her 'Living with Kids' series. If you would like to have a look, you can do so here. Thank you!

xxx Esther


A courgette (zucchini) muffin recipe!


The best Dutch Pancakes recipe!