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Growing up with animals

I grew up in the country side, and my dad was the local country vet. I was always surrounded by animals; we had dogs, cats, birds, guinea pigs, chickens, goats, sheep, a pig, sometimes we even had cows. And, lucky me, I was always allowed to have my own pony.

When I left my parents to study in a different part of the country, I really missed having animals in the house.

For my kids, life is a little different. Living in a big-ish city, and a small-ish house, we don't have any pets (not after the goldfish died). But when Sara started horse riding lessons at the local manage here in Amsterdam, I discovered a joy in her eyes that reminded me of what it is like to grow up with animals. To have that special bond, to take care of a living being, to cuddle up to it when you're sad, to feel the warmth... It is such a very special feeling.

We recently visited friends in the centre of Brussels who just got a huge dog, and it was so cute to see the kids playing and cuddling with her. But, the parents did have some feelings of regret, after their beautifully designed back yard had been destroyed by the puppy, their vintage carpets were peed upon, and the sofa had become a dog bed...

Pros and cons taken, I'm now seriously considering getting a little dog or a cat. Perhaps next year, when Casper is a little bit bigger. (Maybe we would be able to fit a horse in our tiny backyard here in Amsterdam? Or would our neighbours mind some chickens you think?)

What is your take on growing up with animals? Did you grow up with animals? Do you have one now, or are you thinking of getting one? Please share your thoughts and experiences!

xxx Esther