Playing the Easter bunny!

Easter is one of my favourite holidays. The celebration of spring, the prelude to summer... And, I happen to love eggs!

For the fun of Easter, Ava and her friend Juul (Maud Fontein's cute daughter!) dressed up as the sweetest little Easter bunnies. Aren't they adorable?

You can make similar bunny ears by printing the above image by Sara Musch. Just cut out the ears and fold and glue them around a simple headband.

And... most little children just love face paint. Mine do! But I've never been very keen to have them play around with it. Shop-bought, artificial face paint can have high levels of toxic nickel and chrome. So nasty! A much better alternative is to make your own face paint -- it's really simple, and so easy! And it is super safe -- without any of the harmful chemicals.

Homemade face paint

  • 3 teaspoons corn starch

  • 1/2 teaspoon flour

  • 2 teaspoons baby body lotion (or honey if you want it to be edible!)

  • 1 teaspoon water

  • Activated charcoal (for black)

  • natural food colouring

The tulips in front of the Rijksmuseum here in Amsterdam are in full bloom. A perfect spot to hide some eggs!! :)

xxx Esther

PS Thank you Maud Fontein for taking these beautiful photos


An adventurous treasure hunt for Pim's seventh birthday party


A birthday party with a cooking theme for an 8th year old