Family tradition: the birthday crown

In the Netherlands, it's a tradition to give a child a birthday crown for the day when it's his or her birthday. Typically it's a home-made, simple crown made of thick paper, decorated with some curls and colours and usually there's the number with the child's age glued on it. When the child is old enough to go to school, the teacher in class will make the birthday crown for the child, who will be so proud to wear it during the day!

A long time ago in a little shop in Antwerp, I bought this sweet fabric crown with a plastic sleeve in which (felt) numbers can be inserted. The crown has really become part of our families' birthday traditions. The morning of the birthday, the crown with the correct number will be waiting next to the presents and a decorated chair. It's become so much a part of the party!

Do you have any special birthday traditions in your family or in your country? Maybe you know the birthday crown as well? I would love to know -- I love family traditions!

xxx Esther


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