DIY — A Doll Hospital

A doll hospital

This is such a fun project to make, and it's really quite simple. Also, most of the materials I've used are recycled.

A trip to the local greengrocer provided us with the (future) hospital beds. With simple white paint (I used primer which was left over from our house renovation) I painted the vegetable boxes, and with red acrylic paint from the children's craft box, I made a red cross on each bed.

From old pillowcases I made white mattresses, sheets and pillows for the beds and with fabric paint I painted a red cross on the sheets. I painted a similar red cross on a simple white suitcase (which we bought), to create a doctor's case, and on a white A4 paper to create the nurse cap.

And, of course, every respectable doctor's case needs some serious doctor's necessities! The pharmacy around the corner kindly gave us a syringe, some plastic containers, a measuring spoon and cup. The simple bandages and plasters came from our first aid kit. 

I glued a strip of paper in the lid of the doctor's case to hold the ‘prescriptions’, and filled the plastic containers with colourful 'pills' (M&Ms). We also put a thermometer, a scissors and a stethoscope in the case.

And here are Doctor Ava and Doctor Juul, ready to heal some very sick baby dolls! As you can see, they take their task rather seriously. ; )The girls played for hours with the doll hospital. It was such a huge succes! (And I'm thinking, wouldn't it make a very sweet holiday gift as well?)

xxx Esther

Thank you Maud Fontein for taking these beautiful photos


Simple leaf print-splash art


Buttermilk scones! My favourite recipe