Even though the much-used #dontgrowup or #stopthetime hashtags are obviously meant in a sweet way, they always make me cringe a little. Of course we want our children to grow up -- we want them to flourish surrounded by love and support, to discover the world around them, to develop their own style, to build their characters -- guided by their parents to their best abilities. Life goes on, always, after good times and bad times. And that is exactly what makes life so beautiful! Anyway, just a little thought to start the morning with. (Phew!)
What I really wanted to write is how cool I think the Simple Long Sleeve Tees by Over + Over are. I brought some back for Pim from the ShopUp last week and they're just perfect. I love the relaxed style, the beautiful colours, the dropped shoulders and hem. The perfect tee for kids that are growing up! (Pim still fits the biggest size in some colours that run big, but I'm trying to convince Corey, the owner/designer, to go up a few sizes with these. Fingers crossed!)xxx EstherPS jeans from Imps&Elfs