Displaying children’s art in your home

If you have children, you know how beautifully bold and colourful their art can be. And how proud they are when you give their creations a prominent place in your home! It values their effort, encourages their creativity and validates their talent.

displaying children's art

Displaying children’s art in your home also feels a bit like a warm embrace — it makes the house feels welcoming and loved. This is a house where people are seen, where we love to create, and where we don’t take life too seriously ;).

Children's art display

If you feel a bit insecure looking further than your fridge door or child’s bedroom, here are some tips and ideas.

Displaying children’s art in your home

  • You don’t have to display everything! Make a selection of the best works. It teaches your child that quality goes above quantity (and maybe even encourages them to put some extra effort in their work?).

  • Before you display the art, sign and date the piece for future reference.

  • Your child’s art can be mixed in with art and objects you already have, creating a gallery wall or little vignettes and displays throughout the house.

  • Especially meaningful pieces can be framed, but otherwise I’m a very big fan of masking tape!

  • Decorating is an ever evolving process. Have fun swapping things around when new works come in.

  • If you keep a few small and affordable frames in your home (you can also pick them up at flea markets or thrift stores), it’s easy to frame an artwork or fun text, and a sweet and thoughtful gift for friends and family is quickly made.

And if you’re wondering what I do with pieces that don’t make the wall, or are at some point retired? I save them in a big box, and when the child finishes primary school, I select the best pieces and glue them into a portfolio.

xxx Esther


Ava’s first period box


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