The best rope / wheel swing

We own a little poststamp size piece of forest in the south of The Netherlands (where I’m from). We like to spend camping-style weekends there, simply being outdoors all day. We make fires, read books, chop wood, etc. It’s very basic, but this definitely is part of the attraction :).

What is there, and for the children perhaps the biggest attraction of all, is a rope/wheel swing. Even the teenagers / young adults never not have a go!

Here’s how to do it:

All you need is a strong and healthy tree, a suitable rope and a wheelbarrow wheel. And some skill to attach the rope to a strong branch (we used a wrench to throw it over — a ladder would be easier).

Make a strong knot to secure the wheel and leave enough of a tail so you can swing someone up super high. Enjoy!

xxx Esther


Hermien’s herbarium


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