A pretty plaster for every little pain

Since having children I've developed a fun little interest: I pick up cool Band-Aids wherever I find them. Especially when I travel I tend to be on the lookout for new designs. It's a fun little present to bring back to the kids and they are always so happy with them! I consequently like to keep them everywhere. In the kitchen drawer (mostly used by myself), in the bathroom cabinet, in my purse, in our suitcases, in the glove department of our car... You'll find a pretty plaster in the funniest of places!Because very often, nothing seems to heal a little owie faster than a cool BandAid! Even when Casper is complaining of a tummy ache, a Spiderman BandAid (on his knee!) is what he needs. Combined with a big cuddle, of course. And whenever a child is hurt on the playground or so, I'm that mama who pulls open her purse and is like 'Do you need a bandage? What design? Star Wars or Hello Kitty??'. I think that the distraction of having a choice as to which pretty plaster to pick makes them forget why they needed one in the first place!What's your trick for treating little pains?xxx Esther


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