Apple picking and traditional Dutch apple pie

apple picking

apple picking

apple picking

apple picking

Apple picking

apple picking

traditional Dutch apple pie

traditional Dutch apple pie

traditional Dutch apple pie

traditional Dutch apple pie

Apple picking always is the first autumn activity for us. (And it rings in the time of year when we start changing our oatmeal topping to baked apples instead of rhubarb or berry compote!) My talented photographer friend Maud and I took our kids to a small, organic orchard here in Amsterdam, where they grow a variety of apples, pears, and earlier in the season all sorts of berries as well. It's such a cute place to go, with a nice organic shop, a cosy cafe, and tons of space for the kids to play and get dirty.We picked tons of apples and obviously had to taste some as well. (Approved!!) And... we were lucky with the weather. A sun drenched morning in the outdoors was very welcome after days of rain. But hey, rain makes puddles, so what would we do without?We also found some fresh eggs. What a perfect morning -- fresh apples, fresh puddles, and fresh eggs! (Not to mention all the chickens to cuddle with!)What's more delicious than a freshly picked apple, juicy, crunchy, and both sweet as tart? Hmmm, maybe a warm apple pie straight from the oven? Time to go back home and get to work!If you ask a typical Dutchmen about the quintessential Dutch cake, there's a fat chance that they will mention Dutch apple pie. Everyone here grew up with apple pie, and everyone swears their grandmother has the very best recipe. Of course, in the end they are all more or less the same : ).My favourite Dutch apple pie is the most simple and straightforward one. Just flour, butter, eggs and sugar -- and apples, of course! And I do think it should always have the crossed pastry strips on top. It's just tradition, you know, and anyway -- my grandmother made it that way.Here's the recipe we used:

Traditional Dutch Apple Pie

  • 300 g plain flour

  • 100 g sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 200 g butter

  • 2 small eggs

  • 2 tablespoons cold water

For the filling:

  • 1200 g apples (in the Netherlands we traditionally use 'Goudreinet' but really, any not-too-sweet apple will do)

  • 100 g sugar

  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

  • 80 g raisins

  • 1 egg, beaten

  • optional: 100 g breadcrumbs

traditional Dutch apple pie

Mix flour, sugar, butter and eggs in a bowl and knead into a dough. (Add tiny bits of flour or water if necessary.) Shape into a ball and wrap dough (or put in a container), then let rest in the fridge for at least half an hour. Pre-heat oven to 175 °C (350 °F).Butter the bottom and sides of a round (∅ 22 cm) spring form tin, or cover with baking paper (I prefer this). Peel and core the apples and cut them into pieces. Pour in a bowl and mix with the sugar, cinnamon and the raisins.Take pastry out of the fridge and roll out (on a surface royally sprinkled with flour, using a floured rolling pin) into a circle of about 30 cm. Fold pastry into fours, so that you can carefully transfer it to the spring form tin. Unfold and press gently into place. Sprinkle breadcrumbs onto the pastry bottom if you choose to use it (it can help soak up some of the juices of the apples and make the pie bottom less liquid -- I never really mind this though). Put the apple mixture into the prepared cake tin.Roll out the rest of the pastry into a long rectangle and cut into strips of about 1½ cm wide, and put them crosswise over the pie (squeeze gently to attach to the sides). Brush with the beaten egg.Bake into the middle of the oven for about 1 hour. Serve warm or cold.And speaking of grandmothers -- a traditional Dutch apple pie is the perfect opportunity to bring out the fancy old-fashioned teacups!Enjoy (or: eet smakelijk)!!xxx EstherPS Thank you Maud Fontein for the beautiful photos (I love that new lens!).


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