The Efteling, a magical theme park

The Efteling is a theme park in the south of the Netherlands and it is (as far as theme parks go) really adorable. The heart of the park, the Fairytale Forest, launched 70 years ago in 1952 with beautifully designed attractions based on whimsical illustrations by Anton Pieck.

Since then, the Efteling has grown beyond the Fairytale Forest, offering attractions like rollercoasters, adventure rides, a boating pond, a haunted house... Plus the famously clever, forever hungry paper gobbler 'Holle Bolle Gijs', constantly proclaiming 'Papier Hier' ('Paper here') and, once you've stuffed him with some paper, 'Dank U' ('Thank you'). Making for all the little children to gather all the rubbish they can find which keeps the park consistently spotless!

An expectable commercialisation has taken place as well. There are numerous restaurants and gift shops now. I do feel, however, that they are always designed and curated with just that extra little bit of taste and care. Overall the Efteling still breathes that same sense of beautiful, whimsical design as it did when I was little.

A day trip to the Efteling is definitely something I recommend to all families visiting the Netherlands if you can fit it in your schedule. It really is a 'one of a kind' theme park which not only the children will enjoy. If you have the time, I even recommend to spend the night at one of the Efteling accommodations and make use of the special entry for unlimited access to the park (and, extra cool, an early allowance 30 minutes before the park officially opens)!

xxx Esther


Apple picking and traditional Dutch apple pie


A tip for parents of teenagers: don't be afraid to say 'no'