Quiche of Red Beet Greens and goat cheese. Delicious!

Quiche of Red Beet GreensOnce a year our supermarket hands out sacs of seeds for children to collect. Our kids love collecting these, so now our greenhouse and garden are overflowing with vegetables. Including tons of red beets, which I love. Before leaving on our big trip, I was roasting them in batches and keeping them in the fridge, ready to use for all sorts of recipes. (We even tried pink red beet pasta, and this red beet salad is a firm favourite as well.) Did you know that the greens of beets are edible as well and that they are surprisingly tasty? They can, for example, be stir fried in olive oil with some garlic for a healthy side dish. But I recently have been making quiche of red beet greens out of them and it's been a huge hit. Here's how:

Quiche of Red Beet Greens

- greens from 4 large red beets (around 500 grams), washed and chopped into pieces of around 2 cm- one red onion, chopped- 125 sour cream (you can also use crème fraîche or full fat yoghurt)- 3 large (or 4 small) eggs- 100 gram matured goats cheese, grated- 6 small slices of fresh goats cheese (about 125 g in total)- salt and pepper- puff pastry, frozen (I use around 6 squares for our quiche dish)quiche of red beet greens Preheat the oven to 200°C. Butter a quiche dish and line it with puff pastry. Prick little holes in the bottom of the quiche with a fork and set aside while you make the filling.Fry the onion in a big frying pan and once tender add the red beet greens in batches. Gently fry all of the red beet green until softened. In the meantime, mix eggs and cream and add some salt and pepper.Divide the cooked greens over the prepared pastry. Pour the egg/cream mixture on top. Sprinkle with the grated goat cheese, and divide the slices of fresh goat cheese on top as well.Bake the quiche for about 30 minutes, or until the cheese is nice and brown on top and the pastry is cooked.Enjoy!xxx EstherPS Three more great quiche recipesSaveSaveSaveSave


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