Crunchy nut granola -- here's my favourite recipe!

Crunchy nut granola

I've been making this granola for a long time now, and over the years I think I have perfected the recipe we use. This granola is deliciously crunchy, with a hint of cinnamon, and chockfull of nuts. We like it best served with a creamy and thick Greek or Bulgarian yoghurt, and we add our own topping according to our personal taste. So dried fruits, roasted coconut flakes, fresh fruits and/or berries (or fruit compotes) are served on the table separately.

Making granola is something I usually do on a Sunday morning, so we have a fresh batch ready for the week to come. I love the smell of cinnamon and roasted nuts in the house!

Crunchy nut granola

  • 3 cups rolled oats

  • 2 cups rolled rye, spelt and/or barley (or rolled oats if you prefer)

  • 2 tsp cinnamon (or even 3 if you love cinnamon -- we do!)

  • a pinch of salt

  • 2 cups of assorted raw nuts (for example hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews... ). Add in an extra hand of nuts if you feel like it. I love nuts!

  • 1 to 2 cups raw seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, linseeds, chia seeds...)

  • 1/3 cup rapeseed oil (I prefer rapeseed or canola oil because it doesn't leave a taste but olive or coconut oil work well too)

  • 1/3 cup maple or agave sirop, or (raw) honey, melted on a low fire to make it fluid.

  • 3 egg whites, just loosened up a bit with a whisk

Crunchy nut granola

Line an oven tray with paper. Preheat the oven to 140ºC (280F). Combine all dry ingredients. Add the wet ingredients and mix well! Evenly spread the mixture out on the paper lined tray and bake in the oven for 35 to 45 minutes. There's no need to touch it during the baking! When the granola is golden and crunchy, turn off the heat and let it cool in the oven.

Break up and store in an airtight container, and serve with your choice of toppings.


xxx Esther

PS Delicious Bircher Muesli -- a perfect weekday breakfast!


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