The balance game Suspend -- a family favourite

the balance game suspend
the balance game suspend
the balance game suspend
the balance game suspend

The balance game Suspend is a firm favourite in pour family game department, so I thought it would be good to share here. The game consists of a handful of colour-coded frame rods, a wooden base /connector and a coloured dice. Each player takes turns balancing one of the frame rods onto the center structure -- being extremely careful not to disturb the fragile balance so the entire structure comes down! As easy as it sounds, there is quite a bit of strategy and skill involved.

Up to 4 players can play, and all ages can participate (although smaller children will need help from a bigger person). I can attest that grandparents also love to play this game! The excitement can really build up and everyone will be on the edge of their seats within no-time.

I love these kinds of games, that are fun and exciting in all of their simplicity. Do you remember Otrio, the other super simple but FUN family game that I recently shared? My friend gave it to her son for his birthday, and when we were camping with them last week, the children played it over and over again. So good!

xxx Esther

PS Fun games from when we were young!


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